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Support for ZION!
You can now make your donations online. Please click Donate below!
You can now make your donations online. Please click Donate below!
Zion is worshiping in-person and streaming online at 10 AM.
Zion is worshiping in-person and streaming online at 10 AM.
“God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday is Sept. 8, 2024!
This is the ELCA’s annual day of service.
Zion is pleased to co-sponsor a “God’s Work. Our Hands.” project, worship service and a meal alongside Centerville Lutheran and Dickinson Presbyterian churches. Zion’s goal is to collect 40 new blankets.
For the worship and meal, we will meet and leave Centerville at 3 pm to go to a migrant camp in Adams County. We will be having lasagna, salad, bread and desert. Zion is responsible for providing the bread.
Service activities offer an opportunity for us to explore one of our most basic convictions as Lutherans: that all of life in Jesus Christ – every act of service, in every daily calling, in every corner of life – flows freely from a living, daring confidence in God’s grace.
This is the ELCA’s annual day of service.
Zion is pleased to co-sponsor a “God’s Work. Our Hands.” project, worship service and a meal alongside Centerville Lutheran and Dickinson Presbyterian churches. Zion’s goal is to collect 40 new blankets.
For the worship and meal, we will meet and leave Centerville at 3 pm to go to a migrant camp in Adams County. We will be having lasagna, salad, bread and desert. Zion is responsible for providing the bread.
Service activities offer an opportunity for us to explore one of our most basic convictions as Lutherans: that all of life in Jesus Christ – every act of service, in every daily calling, in every corner of life – flows freely from a living, daring confidence in God’s grace.
One of the projects supported by our Zion W/ELCA is the gathering of items for the School Kits. These Kits are then collected and sent through Lutheran World Relief to needy school students in the USA and around the world. The number in parenthesis indicates how many are packed in each school kit.
You may bring your items to the church any time between now and September 8, 2024
There is a blue tub near the elevator just waiting for your donations.
70 sheet notebooks (4)
pencil sharpeners (1)
blunt scissors (1)
black or blue ink ball point pens, NO GEL INK (5)
box of 16 or 24 crayons (1)
30 centimeter rulers (1)
erasers (1)
We do not need any pencils this year.
It costs $2.85 to ship each school kit. If you wish to support this project financially, make your check payable to Zion Lutheran Church, and in the "memo" line, specify School Supplies & Shipping.
One of the projects supported by our Zion W/ELCA is the gathering of items for the School Kits. These Kits are then collected and sent through Lutheran World Relief to needy school students in the USA and around the world. The number in parenthesis indicates how many are packed in each school kit.
You may bring your items to the church any time between now and September 8, 2024
There is a blue tub near the elevator just waiting for your donations.
70 sheet notebooks (4)
pencil sharpeners (1)
blunt scissors (1)
black or blue ink ball point pens, NO GEL INK (5)
box of 16 or 24 crayons (1)
30 centimeter rulers (1)
erasers (1)
We do not need any pencils this year.
It costs $2.85 to ship each school kit. If you wish to support this project financially, make your check payable to Zion Lutheran Church, and in the "memo" line, specify School Supplies & Shipping.
All are invited to meet for lunch on the second Wednesday of the month at Green Ridge in the dining hall at 11:30. No signup needed, just show up, order and pay for your meal, and join a table! BEGINNING, SEPTEMBER 11, 2024
The Newville Lutheran Parish would like to invite all men of any age to gather for breakfast at the Newville Diner on RT 641 on the first Saturday of each month at 7 am. No agenda, just a time for fellowship. BEGINNING, SEPTEMBER 7, 2024
The Newville Lutheran Parish would like to invite all women of any age to gather for breakfast at the Newville Diner on RT 641 on the third Saturday of each month at 7 am. No agenda, just a time for fellowship. BEGINNING, SEPTEMBER 21, 2024
Join us for Rally Day on Sunday, September 15, 2024.
Free Food & Fellowship dinners are back
starting Sunday, September 29, 2024.
Click below for more information.
Read the bible in a year. Sound hard? ? Yup, but not impossible.
Most people who try to read the bible in a year start off good and then life hits, you hit a busy time, go on an active vacation, or you get to the laws, rituals, sacrifices, and all the details about building the temple, blaaaahh!!! I have read the bible daily for years, it has been a few years since a stuck to a plan. When I was on a plan, and I got to the laws etc. etc. I skimmed! Those were that days I did not read everything, those were easy days, but I still picked the bible up.
We will be joining a Pastor Karl Vaters in this journey. He has a weekly podcast and other resources. I have posted the link below. He has a recording that introduces the schedule and there is one recording for each week. If you do not want to use the electronic resource, please let me know and I can email or print out a transcript of what he says each week. The reading plan will be available by email or ask me and I will print you a copy
The key is to commit to at least picking up your bible once a day! Maybe find a partner and encourage one another. Even if all you do is read a few verses a day you are probably way farther ahead than you have been in the past. If you a miss a day or two or three… don’t give up, don’t worry about trying to read a whole bunch to catch up, just start where that day is. In Karl’s plan he even gives us Sunday off!
It is up to you how much time you are willing and able to commit but studies show that if you read your bible at least 4 days a week the spiritual growth is measurable for most people. So even if you miss a few days, you are still growing, you are being transformed! I promise you, if you put in the time, you will be rewarded!
I suggest getting a Study Bible, one that has notes and helps, that explain what you are reading to an extent (none of them explain every verse) We use the NRSV version here. Other easy ones to read are NLT, ESV, NIV and the Message Bible by Eugene Patterson is very helpful.
I invite you to start with me on January 1, 2024
Most people who try to read the bible in a year start off good and then life hits, you hit a busy time, go on an active vacation, or you get to the laws, rituals, sacrifices, and all the details about building the temple, blaaaahh!!! I have read the bible daily for years, it has been a few years since a stuck to a plan. When I was on a plan, and I got to the laws etc. etc. I skimmed! Those were that days I did not read everything, those were easy days, but I still picked the bible up.
We will be joining a Pastor Karl Vaters in this journey. He has a weekly podcast and other resources. I have posted the link below. He has a recording that introduces the schedule and there is one recording for each week. If you do not want to use the electronic resource, please let me know and I can email or print out a transcript of what he says each week. The reading plan will be available by email or ask me and I will print you a copy
The key is to commit to at least picking up your bible once a day! Maybe find a partner and encourage one another. Even if all you do is read a few verses a day you are probably way farther ahead than you have been in the past. If you a miss a day or two or three… don’t give up, don’t worry about trying to read a whole bunch to catch up, just start where that day is. In Karl’s plan he even gives us Sunday off!
It is up to you how much time you are willing and able to commit but studies show that if you read your bible at least 4 days a week the spiritual growth is measurable for most people. So even if you miss a few days, you are still growing, you are being transformed! I promise you, if you put in the time, you will be rewarded!
I suggest getting a Study Bible, one that has notes and helps, that explain what you are reading to an extent (none of them explain every verse) We use the NRSV version here. Other easy ones to read are NLT, ESV, NIV and the Message Bible by Eugene Patterson is very helpful.
I invite you to start with me on January 1, 2024
2024 Bible-Reading Coach Weekly Outline.pdf | |
File Size: | 169 kb |
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Please use the link below and we will send you a "PRAYER REQUEST FORM".
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